A Billowing Border

The clients had recently extensively remodelled their house, and wanted a border which would reflect the juxtaposition of the older bones of their 18th century house and modern lines of the new extension. Additionally, as this border runs alongside the path to the main entrance to the house, it has to retain interest all year round. The clients both have busy lives and gardening came quite low on their list of priorities, so the border needed to be as self-sufficient as possible. 

We created strong structure with dramatic bronze phormiums dotted along the path, along with evergreen cistus which also provides interest during the winter. The overarching colour scheme is of purples and blues, with vivid salvias and penstamons toning in with the existing stone pathway, and latterly providing a dramatic backdrop for the client’s sculptures which are dotted through the long mass of billowing planting. 


A Bold and Beautiful Bank