Recent testimonials

“When I moved to my new build home the garden was a bare blank canvas with nothing, no birds, no butterflies, no plants, just a poorly laid lawn. 

I met with Liz and she listened carefully whilst I explained that I missed my busy bird table and the fact that there was always something going on in my garden. I am not a keen gardener so whatever I had needed to be low maintenance.

Liz's first conceptual drawing was brilliant, it was like she'd got in my head and produced what I was looking for! From then on she recommended planting schemes, with drawings, which trees and plants to buy and from where. With my limited knowledge there's no way I could have achieved the look I now have without her input. Every plant/tree/shrub has a purpose, to attract birds, to move, to bring colour, to give screening from neighbours. The garden looks bigger, the plants give a wonderful palette of colour and movement and the birds will come. Liz is a genius, I can't recommend her highly enough.”

Mrs B, St Ives

“Liz created a beautiful but low-maintenance border from scratch which not only complemented perfectly our house renovations but also became firmly established in just one season.

In another very difficult sloping bed next to our parking area, she devised and executed a planting plan that was both visually striking and hardy enough to deal with lack of sunshine and poor drainage.

Both schemes delivered on the brief perfectly!”

Mrs H, Boxford

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