Flora, Fauna and Friends

Moving to a new house is a daunting enough proposition, but when that house is a newbuild with a completely blank rectangle of a garden surrounded by a tall wooden fence, the need to make the garden as beautiful as the house becomes very necessary. The clients wanted a low-maintenance garden which suited the modern geometric lines of their property, a place where they could entertain, but one which was also dog and wildlife friendly. They had been gifted a yellow climbing rose (Rosa ‘Golden Showers’), and wanted to retain this, so the planting scheme was designed to incorporate the soft yellow of the rose, using complementary colours to complement and enhance the design.

It was decided to divide the garden into two separate areas, both with a very different feel. Nearer the house is the entertaining space, with a terrace large enough for a big sofa and dining table, and close to the kitchen to enable food to be brought out easily for summer dining. This area is backed by raised beds, constructed of railway sleepers wide enough to perch on, and filled with an airy collection of tall plants which effectively screen the rear of the garden from immediate view. 

The rear of the garden has a wilder feel. A small collection of fruit trees has been planted, plus several ornamental trees including a stunning multi-stemmed silver birch. As this garden matures, the trees will provide much-needed dappled shade where the owners can sit with a book and drink and while away the afternoons. 


A Bold and Beautiful Bank


A Tapestry of Colour